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Ocean Networks, Inc. is a privately held company and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Ocean Networks develops submarine cable systems for carriers, content providers, governments, and research & education groups. Additionally, under its subsidiary Submarine Cable Salvage, Ocean Networks repurposes Out of Service (OOS) submarine cable systems for Ocean Science. Ocean Networks currently owns 8,000+ km of submarine cable systems globally. The Ocean Networks team has on average 25 years of experience in the industry and have held key roles in the installation and maintenance of over 100 cable systems worldwide.

  • Out Of Service (OOS) Recovery & Repurpose

  • System Design & Engineering

  • Consulting Services

  • Supplier Selection

  • Contract Negotiations

  • Project Management

  • Transmission Engineering & Testing

  • Capacity Sales

  • Owner Representation

  • Shipboard Engineers

  • ROV Cable Inspection Services







The Hawaiian Islands Fiber Link (HIFL) is a high-speed, reliable, and low latency submarine cable system that will improve Hawaii inter-island and regional connectivity, service reliability and digital services that will connect the islands of Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Lanai and Molokai. The HIFL system is carrier neutral, open access and will offer diverse backhaul options. The HIFL system is a public-private partnership between The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii and Ocean Networks, Inc.

To purchase bandwidth on the Hawaiian Islands Fiber Link system please contact us.












Submarine Cable Salvage, Inc. is owned and operated by Ocean Networks and is funded through a private investment group with a focus on disaster mitigation and protecting the environment. The mission of Submarine Cable Salvage, is to help protect the ecosystem of the oceans by repurposing Out of Service (OOS) submarine cable systems. To achieve this, we work with the Ocean Science community to identify and repurpose OOS submarine cable systems for their environmental studies. Utilizing OOS submarine cable systems is a cost effective solution for cabled ocean observatories. The observatories are positioned on the ocean floor and continually gather data in real-time for scientific research. The data collected is used for Ocean Management, Disaster Mitigation (earthquake/tsunami detection) and Environmental Protection. Repurposing OOS submarine cable systems is a cost effective and green solution for the ocean observatories by reducing the requirement for the manufacturing of new systems.We currently own 8,000+ km of submarine cable systems that are being repurposed for ocean science.

Submarine Cable Salvage

© Ocean Networks Inc. 2013 - 2024

© Submarine Cable Salvage Inc. 2019 - 2024

© Hawaiian Islands Fiber Link, LLC 2024

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