Frank C. DiMaria
SVP Business Development

Frank has 30 years of senior level management experience in sales, logistics, transportation and technology. He has been a key driver and influencer of many startup ventures such as FedEx, P&O Nedlloyd, APL Direct Logistics, Keystone Internet Services, the merger of Airborne with DHL, the redesign of the largest part 135 cargo charter operations in the USA, AirNet Systems and most recently the design and building of a high value fulfillment center for Brink’s the world leader in security logistics.
Frank was instrumental in the early stages of FedEx formation and the development of this company in the Northeast United States. His skill in contract negotiations, selling practices and sales team development lead him to senior sales leadership positions at FedEx where he controlled all selling and negotiation with major global accounts in the FedEx system. Franks success at FedEx allowed for the meteoritic rise of this business as a global logistics service but also lead Frank to P &O Nedlloyd where we assumed the top sales officer position for this global ocean carrier. While there Frank orchestrated the expansion of the US container business and sales team throughout the world with the introduction of international services to Asia, Latin America, South America and Australia with two mergers. Franks understanding of change management and the application of technology, reinvented P&O’s infrastructure and helped orchestrate a radical change in business practices and simplification of the booking and shipping processes.
Frank understanding of commerce and technology is best exemplified while he was at the helm of two start-up internet firms, Keystone Internet and APL Direct Logistics. Here he not only helped design, launch and expand these businesses but built many world class fulfillment ecommerce operations that dominated the marketplace. Some popular companies he ushered into ecommerce are Overstock, Smartbargains, Beauty.com (now drugs store.com) AOL, KB Kids, Sony, John Hardy, His service here lead to triple digit growth rates year after year at both firms and to returns 6 and 8 times the initial capital investment after 4 years. It’s again because of his use of technology and financial perspicacity that both these business were brought to market and sold for substantial gains.
Frank is able to translate his experience to many diverse businesses as he demonstrated in his role as Chief Sales Officer for Sky Courier where he led the consolidation and retooling of this business through the DHL/Airborne merger. Again here he used technology to launch new systems and processes to manage complex customer logistics solutions. In 2009-13 Frank helped AirNet System, the USA’s largest small jet and cargo plane 135 operators rebuild its sales and business operations, thus remaking this brand and secured new markets despite the worst economy in modern times. This success propelled a sale of this business unit for 10 times its initial investment in 2013.
It is Frank’s expertise and governance that lead the Emerald Atlantis/ Networks team to secure his services as a financial investor advisor in 2012-14. Frank helped the entire Emerald team build reengineer its business plan and strategy so as to secure funding and expansion of its North-Atlantic submariner fiber optic cable solution.
Most recently Frank designed, built and launched a high value ecommerce and retail fulfillment center for Brink’s Global Services. This facility was fully operational in 4 months and holds 60,000 pieces of jewelry and other precious items. His ability to translate previous experiences with skills and knowledge into a practical design was realized with this undertaking that required complex security measures, robust racking, conveyor and WMS functionality to address retail and consumer ecommerce domestic, international orders and returns and repairs. This facility processes thousands of same day orders for some of the world’s most prestigious brands with accuracy at the six sigma level and brought Brink’s into an entirely new market segment.